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Top Certified Translation Offices in Cairo

    تاريخ النشر : 15 February، 2023

    تاريخ التحديث : 5 March، 2024

    Top Certified Translation Offices in Cairo

    Certified translation offices are offices concerned with translating all formal documents and papers. Such translation is accepted by various embassies, consulates, universities, international companies, and governmental authorities such as a real estate registry office, courts of various levels, and notarization offices. Therefore, a certified translation office must be a reputable and well-experienced office. If you search for a certified translation office in Cairo, read the following.

    Top Certified Translation Offices in Cairo

    Knowing the basic and important specifications that certified translation offices need to have helps you look for the top translation office so that you save time and effort and avoid being cheated by non-professional translation offices. Such offices can lead to catastrophic results in the certified translation of significant and sensitive documents. ATS is one of the best and longest standing certified translation offices in Cairo for being as follows:

    The Mos Important Specifications that Certified Translation Offices Need to Have:

    1.Multiple Branches: Various and multiple branches of a certified translation office: ATS has four branches in various locations as well as having branches in the Arab countries. It is one of the most significant characteristics of translation companies. Being so, such companies ensure easy access, fast performance, and nearness to various official authorities that require papers with a certified translation. ATS branches in Cairo:

    • A Certified translation office in Heliopolis, 
    • A Certified translation office in Al Maadi,
    • Certified translation offices in Nasr City,
    • A Certified translation office in the Fifth Settlement.

    2.Official Approval: a certified translation office shall obtain authenticated and valid approval certificates from the competent authorities. It should also have experience and proficiency of the required-translation languages and translation domains such as (documents and papers translation, medical translation, legal translation, scientific and technical translation, and subtitling etc.)

    3. Accuracy and Professionalism: Accuracy, fast performance, and flexibility in dealing with clients to meet all their needs perfectly and as soon as possible.

    4. Translation Expert Team: Usually, a good translation office has a well-trained and professional staff with experience in various fields of translation. For instance, a legal translator has a specialized study in law.

    5. Quality Assurance: A text or material to be translated must be reviewed by the quality assurance department before being approved and submitted to a client so that the translation is error-free and to save effort. Such act also establishes mutual trust between clients and a certified translation office

    6. Appropriate Rates: Submitting a competitive rate is a feature of great significance for completing papers need to be translated by translation experts accurately and perfectly, believing that a translated material is important for a client and out of the belief of clients’ trust in the office.

    7. Ease Communication: Ease and fast communication does not mean the existence of an office in a vital location only, but also quick communication round-the-clock. You can always communicate with a team of translators to provide your feedback, request services, or inquire whatsoever you wish with immediate, flexible, and professional responses.

    What are such Requirements that a Translation Office Must Have? 

    You can make sure that the certified translation office you deal with provides authentic and precise services by being approved and nominated by various foreign embassies such as a translation office certified by the American, British, and Canadian embassies, etc. This is what ATS has.

    Translation Offices in Cairo shall meet the following requirements: 

    • Certified translation for all types of certificates, formal and non-formal papers.
    • Availability of translators with legal background who are specialized in legal translation for its sensitivity and significance.
    • Variety of translation languages for more than 30 languages over the world.
    • Project management and quality assurance experts.
    • Round-the-clock working to complete required tasks at the deadline with no delay.
    • Being certified by governmental authorities, embassies, and ministries as well as private bodies.
    • Ability to translate a sample for free to ensure the translation quality.
    Certified Translation

    What Are such Requirements of Good Translation?

    There are some standards of perfect certified translation that ATS provides. Such standards have to be considered in texts and papers that are to be translated:

    • Coherent and Cohesive Meaning:

    Among good-translation features is delivering coherent, cohesive and meaningful text. This entails talking about textual or professional translation? For document translation, we need professional translation, paying attention to all such details of the text to identically convey the text with the same spirit and wording into the target language, keeping the original meaning intact. A translation office may offer you a textual translation, yet it does not perform the intended purpose. Delivering a coherent and cohesive text reflects the translator’s professionalism and culture as well such quality provided by a certified translation office.

    • Translation Style Match: 

    It means that a text is translated exactly according to the source text. More precisely, if the translation is for a creative, scientific, legal, or official texts, it must be rendered into another language with the same wording in terms of seriousness or formality of the target language. For instance, official documents must never be translated poorly with non-serious character in terms of formal terms and vice versa. A professional translator is the one who transfers the text with its genuine spirit into another language with no alternation or distortion. Accordingly, we must ensure the availability of well-experienced translators of various domains and types of translation in certified translation office in Cairo.

    • Inclusiveness and Neutrality: 

    On translating documents, either certified or non-certified translation, a translator must not reflect its opinion at all. A translator should never turn a blind eye to expressions or clauses intentionally or even translate their meaning in a roundabout way, altering the essence and content. Among the characteristics of a good translation is to translate the whole document with no deletion or omission of any part. Moreover,  a translator must provide a neutral professional translation without reflecting its personal opinion. This is what trust and professional ethics imply.

    • Reliable Resources: 

    Each certified translation office has its reliable resources it uses to translate various types of documents such as specialized dictionaries that a professional translator can consult. Such documents add a highly-reliable character to translated documents. The Quality Assurance Department revises these documents ensuring quality.  In addition, a translator can consult a reliable resource at any time if a mistake occurs or if they doubt a word used in the translation. The availability of reliable resources increases the quality of such texts as well as the professionalism level of a translation office.

    • Grammar and Spelling: 

    Any piece of writing pays attention to knowledge of wording and spelling rules. No translator ignores such criteria at all. Each language has its own rules that a translator should know all since a text is evaluated according to sticking to such rules as well as integrity and being totally free from spelling, syntactic, and linguistic mistakes. This also applies to Arabic writing.


    To sum up, finding a certified translation office in Cairo is not that difficult, yet finding a certified translation office characterized by accuracy, fast performance and competitive rate requires much effort. However, ATS, a certified translation office, saves all this time and effort through its multiple branches in Egypt and abroad. It has a certified translation office in Heliopolis, Al Maadi, Nasr City, and the Fifth Settlement in addition to its branches in UAE. Finally, if you need help looking for a certified translation office in Cairo, feel free to contact us.

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